Related to Speech, Language and Communication
Myth: Surely, my child will outgrow his or her language delay.
Fact: In fact, some children require speech therapy to catch up to their peers.
Myth: Presently, my child just lazy.
Fact: In short, children naturally practice their language skills as they emerge.
Myth: In essence, Speech-Language Therapy is only for “verbal” issues.
Fact: To emphasize, Speech-Language therapy consists of a diverse set of challenges that encompasses all facets of communication.
Myth: Consequently, children grow out of speech problems.
Fact: Coupled with a cause for concern, when a 3-year old child’s speech is difficult for other people to understand. If the wait-and-see approach is taking, an increased risk of slower progression with reading, writing, and overall school achievement will persist.
Myth: Using “educational” products, such as DVDs or flashcards stimulates young children’s language development.
Fact: In fact, while it can be tempting to purchase special products marketed as “educational” for young children, these products are not necessarily effective in helping children learn how to communicate.
Myth: Surprisingly, “He started talking like this after he began imitating a friend or a TV character.”
Fact: Notably, speech problems can’t be “caught” or imitated. Even if a child imitates someone else with a speech disorder, it will not transfer to his speech unless he had a known speech issue noted.
Myth: “Baby Talk” may delay speech development.
Fact: Comparatively, “Baby talk” refers to the high pitched, sing song voice parents often use when talking to babies. Research shows that babies actually prefer listening to “baby talk”, it cues babies that the speech is for them and therefore pay better attention to what you are saying. The use of “baby talk” also helps babies discriminate between sounds and words. Any type of engagement with your young children is beneficial, and some studies have shown that babies actually react well to baby talk from parents.